Jordana Globerman
Graphic Facilitation
Sketch notes, strategic design,
visual storytelling...
Since 2015, I've worked as a graphic facilitator, graphic recorder and designer to help clients navigate complexity. Trained in the United Kingdom as a graphic facilitator and Matt & Gail Taylor practitioner, I bring a unique blend of design thinking, systemic design and strategy consulting to my practice. Working in both official languages, I help clients collaborate, for better decision-making and lasting change.
See your words drawn up at mural scale in real time. Graphic facilitators and graphic recorders
synthesize information from presentations or workshops into visual stories live. The benefits are numerous:
Link content visually for greater memory retention.
Create alignment and shared vision.
Stand out and captivate audiences.
Generate bold content for social media.
Powerful images make knowledge accessible and align understanding. There is a suite of creative solutions to help you articulate the most complex subject matter:
Rich pictures bring systems and processes to life.
Journey maps inspire collective vision.
Infographics clarify statistics and concepts.
Animations tell memorable stories.
Co-design opens up new paths to innovation through collaboration and deep understanding of user needs.
Discover a toolkit of methods to tackled the toughest problems.
Use design thinking and systems thinking to push creative boundaries.
Build stronger teams through empathy.
Quickly develop and improve solutions with rapid prototyping and design sprints.
“You were able to capture key points raised by youth, which highlighted important themes. As a result, participants were able to see their own ideas, passions and enthusiasm reflected in your artwork.”
Christiane Fox
Deputy Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs and Youth
Privy Council Office
“I love working with Jordana! Her skills have enabled us to interact with our clients in a much more innovative manner.”
Mia Robins
Global Transformation and Compliance Director of Special Projects at KPMG
"Jordana's depictions were technically spot-on, while invoking humor and metaphor to draw the message together into wonderful chunks that were easy to follow. It was amazing to watch her work!"
Anthony J. Scriffignano, Ph.D.
Senior Vice President / Chief Data Scientist at Dun & Bradstreet
Regardless of the format, the time afforded for studio work allows for a thoroughly collaborative process that ensures “everyone is on the same page”. Nothing is overlooked, allowing complex ideas to be converted into strong, simple images that always communicate your content easily, accurately...
...and memorably.
The world needs more visual thinkers. On my Youtube channel I share tips and tricks for those interested in expanding their own visual thinking practice.
I am based in Ottawa, Ontario, (that's Canada), but work internationally...
Want to chat more? Shoot me an email at: