Jordana Globerman Design
Graphic facilitation
& graphic recording
Visual narratives drawn in
real-time from live content...
Graphic recorders and facilitators listen to a workshop, presentation or conversation and pull key messages in real-time, drawing these up as visual metaphors in mural form. These visual artefacts engage participants during, and long after, an event. Et si votre audience parle français? Pas de problème, nous sommes bilingues!

A graphic recording mural from Hiroc's Children's Healthcare Canada Summit in 2022

Scribing from the Canadian Medial Associations CCPL conference in 2019

A graphic recording mural from Hiroc's Children's Healthcare Canada Summit in 2022

Graphic recording can be done on whiteboards of any size, or on foam board. After the session, the graphic recording
is photographed and digitally enhanced.
No boards? No worries! Digital graphic recording is another option that can be done in person, or remotely. By connecting my ipad to a video feed, I can share digital drawing in real time at in person or online events.
Engage participants:
Visuals connect ideas and creating alignment.
Make it last:
Most of us learn visually. Pictures help us retain information after an event has ended.
Start a conversation:
Graphic recording provides content for social media sparking long after an event.
Watch it in action...